Internet Infrastructure

This category covers the various technical aspects that make up the backbone of the Internet. Learn about the crucial components, how they work together, and their impacts on our digital lives.

What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

In the digital age, speed and accessibility are everything. Whether it’s streaming a movie, downloading a software update, or simply browsing a website, users expect content to be delivered quickly and reliably. This is where Content Delivery Networks, or CDNs, come into play. They work behind the scenes to ensure that your digital experience is

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What is RPKI? A comprehensive guide

The internet, as we know it, is a complex network of interconnected systems. The smooth functioning of this vast network relies heavily on protocols like the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). However, BGP has its shortcomings, which can lead to significant security issues. This is where RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) comes into play. Understanding BGP

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What is IPv4 subnetting?

In the vast digital landscape of the internet, ensuring efficient and organized communication between devices is paramount. Just as cities are divided into neighborhoods and streets to streamline mail delivery and transportation, networks use a system to organize and manage traffic. This system, known as subnetting, plays a crucial role in optimizing network performance and

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