Internet Infrastructure

This category covers the various technical aspects that make up the backbone of the Internet. Learn about the crucial components, how they work together, and their impacts on our digital lives.

Understanding DHCP

Have you ever wondered how your device automatically connects to the internet without manually inputting some settings like IP addresses each time you access a new network? Your device’s ability to connect seamlessly is made possible primarily by a critical protocol known as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). What is DHCP? Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, […]

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DHCP vs. Static IP addressing: Understanding the differences

When configuring a network, one crucial decision that needs to be made is how devices on the network will obtain their IP addresses. The two most common methods are Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and static IP addressing. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, which makes it essential to understand their differences and appropriate

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Understanding IP Address Management (IPAM)

As digital communication expands and becomes more complex, efficiently managing network resources has turned into a crucial task for many businesses and corporations. The capacity to manage, monitor, and control internet protocol (IP) addresses can have a vital role in ensuring fast, robust, and secure connectivity across networks. This is where IP Address Management (IPAM)

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What is GeoIP?

GeoIP is a technology used to determine the geographical location of a device connected to the internet through its IP address. Although often associated with MaxMind’s proprietary service, GeoIP has become a generic term for IP geolocation. Core Mechanism At the heart of GeoIP are databases that associate IP addresses with geographical locations. These databases,

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IPv4 Autoconfiguration Explained

IPv4 Autoconfiguration enables a networked system to self-configure its IPv4 address without manual input. It’s a feature allowing computers and devices to autonomously assign an IPv4 address. Origins of IPv4 Autoconfiguration The need for IP autoconfiguration arose from challenges associated with manual IP configuration, which could be tedious and error-prone. In response, the Internet Assigned

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